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Throughout the Strategy for 2050 there are many references to the various sources of information and evidence studies that have been used in helping to develop the document.  There are links within the document to many of those where they are already available online.  Others were prepared specifically for the Strategy for 2050 and are available to download below.

ITP - COVID-19 Refresh of Mass Rapid Transit

Ortus - Economic Growth Study

ORS - Demographic Modelling

Future Communities and Meeting Housing Need - IBI 2017​

Urbisolvi - Review of Jobs Growth Projections

ITP - Mobility and Mass Rapid Transit Study

Scale and Directions of Growth - DLA 2017

Building on a Culture of Innovation - Useful Projects 2017​

David Lock Associates - Strategic Growth Study

Growth Options Assessment

Innovative Mobility Roadmap - ITP 2017​

Future of Employment - Shared Intelligence 2017

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